Rob Brens - Drum Lessons

Musician : Educator : Writer


My drumkit configuration will change frequently depending on the requirements of the gig. These days I’m starting to favour the 1 rack/1 floor setup but occasionally I’ll integrate the 10” tom whether for something like a cover gig, or I’ll add it to my left side to mix things up. I’m looking to integrate this into future projects. For the time being, here’s the setup I used on the Mirrors - Cold Sanctuary EP, followed by a list of my gear. This is the setup I spend the bulk of my time playing with.



Pearl Reference Pure

Finish: Twilight Fade

22x20 Kick Drum (A)

14x6.5 Sensitone Phosphor Bronze Snare Drum (B)

10x10 Tom

12x11 Tom (C)

16x16 Floor Tom (D)




15” Zildjian A Custom Mastersound Hihats (1)

20” Sabian Evolution Ride (2)

18” Zildjian A Custom Crash (3)

19” Zildjian A Custom Medium Crash (4)

10” Zildjian A Custom Splash (5)

16” Cymbal stack w/12” splash (6)

19” Zildjian K Hybrid China (7)


Remo Emperor Clear on Toms. Either Remo CS Dot Clear or P77 on snare. Remo Powerstroke 3 on kick


Vic Firth 2B for most metal projects. 5B for more rounded cover band gigs and 7A for jazz


Pearl Powershifter Eliminator Double Pedal

